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Sustainable shopping: How this mall wants to help save the planet with you

In recent years, terms like “fast fashion” and “overconsumption” have seeped into modern society’s consciousness, giving shopping a bad rap. Raffles City is changing that, one eco step at a time. Through the Project Green campaign–a series of sustainability initiatives involving retail, hospitality and corporate stakeholders–Raffles City Singapore is revolutionising its retail experience for the better. “By providing our retailers, office tenants and hotels a suitable platform via Project Green

Dealing with sensitive skin: A gentle, more effective solution to tackle annoying flare-ups

Skin sensitivity is such a prevalent issue not just among Singaporeans but globally, with about 60 per cent of women and 30 to 44 per cent of men reportedly experiencing sensitive skin at some point in their lives. The surprising thing is how hard it can be to find the right and lasting solution to address this issue.

After years of ignoring skin tantrums, writer SH Xie is learning how to better understand and manage her sensitive skin. She shares her experience getting to the root cause of the

When The Going GETS TOUGH...

...it helps to know how you can manage your distress. Here are tips on how to handle three common stressful scenarios.

#1 When you’re dealing with the loss of a loved one

Nothing can really prepare you for this, so it’s important that you give yourself time to grieve and fully process your emotions.

The grieving process differs from person to person. Your grief may kick in immediately or it may only happen after the funeral, when you have some quiet time to yourself. You may also have feeling

7 tips on how to communicate more effectively at work, from a professional speaker

It’s no secret that successful people tend to be compelling speakers with excellent communication skills.

After all, good communication allows people to get their points across effectively, making them properly understood or even relatable.

Want to go far in your career? Be an effective communicator.

We got Kim Underhill, a management consultant, professional speaker, and executive coach to share seven tips on how you can excel in communication across different platforms at the workplace.
